So you know those days where you're so sick you think you might not make it. But you HAVE to go to work, because there's a big meeting, or you're the only one covering a shift, or there's a deadline that you can not miss?
Then, a month or so down the road, you wake up with a little bitty headache, or maybe a hangover, or maybe you're just feeling out of it. And you think, "Remember that sick day I didn't take, well, I'm going to make up for it now!" And you call in sick, and spend the day watching Price is Right, and fiddling on the internet, and reading, and if you're feeling really ballsy you even go out to lunch?
Who amongst us hasn't done that? Be honest!
Well, that's what Terrell Owens is doing now. He's cashing in on that Super Bowl he played in with the broken leg, and calling in sick on a sore ankle. So why don't you all shut up and cut him some slack!
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