3 Generations of UK Rock
n 1986, I moved from Ohio to New York (well, actually Passaic, NJ) with my ex-junkie, skinhead, thief boyfriend, who was from there. It didn't work out (see ex-junkie, skinhead, thief)but it was great fun while it lasted. My big memory was that when I told people I was moving, almost to a person, they said, "But you'll miss the Pogues!" (who were playing Columbus the day after i moved.)Which is ridiculous even if you liked the Pogues, which I didn't.
So 20 years and 2 Shane MacGowan solo shows later, I finally see the Pogues. And....eh. I still don't like the noodly Irish instruments, i don't get how they are punk when they are just the Chieftains with a with a drunk lead singer. Gogol Bordello kills the Pogues in the ethnic punk category.)And Shane really played up the drunk part, but I (and the guy behind me) definitely think he was faking. He was drinking clear liquor (gin? or was it water?) then, towards the end, he "chugged" from a bottle of (wine?) but most of the liquor missed his mouth. The guy behind me shared that as "Frat Boy Non-Drinking 101" - wear it and people will think you are REALLY drinking when actually you are faking it out. However, props to them for singing "Fairy Tale in New York" despite it's general Christmasness.
Ray Davies, 61, is the hottest old rocker today. Paul McCartney? Pussy. Mick jagger? Tries too hard. Ray Davies? Just charisma and talent, complete with 4 or 5 costume changes. Lots of early Kinks ("I'm not Like Everybody Else," "You Really got Me.")Plenty from the new cd, which fit right in with the classics. Sadly, not enough from the early 80's era, (no "Destroyer" no "Come Dancing")but no real complaints. The energy, the desire, could compare with anyone - this is the show to beat this year.
Finally, the Arctic Monkeys show was a can't miss, since I sold my extra ticket on eBay for more than I paid for 2, but even at that, I was impressed. They were tight, they were loud, they were British. Sometimes they were a little too Strokesy, but the whole package felt much stronger than either of the times I'd seen the Strokes. Believe the hype - they aren't boring like fellow Brits Oasis or Blur, There's nothing else I can tell you that you haven't already heard. (Although the bass player did wear a polo with an upturned collar, which was a bit Steve Sanders.
RIP Nikki Sudden.
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